High blood sugar! Everyone must have heard about it. It is a condition wherein the body is not able to utilize blood glucose adequately. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar, if not timely treated, can cause many other health disorders develop
A timely diagnosis and effective treatment, of course, both are crucial to manage any disease or disorder. But the value of being sufficiently informed cannot be ignored. Being sufficiently informed about high blood sugar not only helps in the management, but can also eliminate the risk of developing it. Patient’s misunderstanding (non-compliance to doctor’s recommendations) can cause a mess, making it more difficult to manage. Whereas, the more understanding a patient has about this disorder, the more comfortable is for him to adhere to necessary regimen. Learning about the condition enables the patient to take care of him with more confidence and meager scope of blunder.
“The more clearly a disease is understood, the more likely it is that an individual will be comfortable with their care and adhere to necessary regimens.” – The Wellness Network |
For a person diagnosed with high blood sugar, it is important for him to gather as much information as possible. Learning about the signs & symptoms, complications, can help you be proactive about your health. In this write, we will discuss the different aspects of high blood sugar.
Table of Content
- Understanding High Blood Sugar
- Normal & Abnormal Levels of Blood Sugar
- The Symptoms of High Blood Sugar
- The Complications of High Blood Sugar
- Management of High Blood sugar
- How to check blood sugar levels?
- Ayurvedic approach for high blood sugar management
Understanding High Blood Sugar
After the digestion process, the glucose is shifted to the bloodstream. It is then received and absorbed by the cells to generate energy for the body. Blood plays a significant role in this whole process. Along with proper blood flow, the body also needs the Pancreas that releases glucose metabolizing hormones that makes it easier for the cells to get glucose. As discussed in the starting, high blood sugar is depicted by the accumulation of glucose in the blood resulting in several health conditions.
Quick Facts & Figures!
Ø The prevalence of high blood sugar increased ten times, from 1.2% to 12.1%, between 1971 and 2000. Ø It is estimated that 50.8 million people aged 20-79 years live with high blood sugar in India. This number is anticipated to rise up to 87.0 million by 2030. Ø 77.2 million people in India are said to have hidden condition of high blood sugar. Ø About 1 million people died from the condition of high blood sugar in India in 2012. Ø Urban India is more affected than the rural part of the country. Ø More than 20% of the population in India has at least one chronic disease and more than 10% of the people have more than one Ø One-third of non-communicable disease deaths in India involve people less than 60 years of age. The rate of cardiovascular disease mortality in India in the 30-59-year age group is double that in the West. Ø The risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) is two to four times higher in people with high blood sugar. Ø Lifestyle changes have lead to decreased physical activity, increased consumption of fat, sugar and calories, and higher stress levels, affecting insulin sensitivity and obesity. Ø Cost of high blood sugar management in India is exceptionally high.
What are the normal and abnormal levels of blood sugar?
Normal Blood Sugar Levels
- Less than 100mg/dl after not eating for at least eight hours (fasting), and
- Less than 140mg/dl two hours after eating.
Abnormal Blood Sugar Levels
- More than 130mg/dl before a meal (fasting), and
- More than 190mg/dl two hours after eating.
The Symptoms and Complications of High Blood Sugar
Also known as Mother of all diseases, once high blood sugar occurs, many other minor diseases can occur in the body. Blood pressure of a sugar patient gets disturbed, the risk of heart attack doubles, and the kidneys can also fail due to constant intake of modern medicines.
Following is a rundown of the tell-tale signs of this life-threatening condition –
- Frequent urination – Often, hyperglycemic suffering complain about frequent urination, especially at night. If you have to go more than 3 times in the night, then check your sugar level because it is an early symptom of sugar.
- Excessive thirst – People suffering high blood sugar have to urinate frequently and in this way there is a lack of water in the body. So the patient feels an urge to drink water again and again.
- Excessive hunger – When the blood sugar levels are high, it is not easy for the body to digest the food properly. Due to indigestion, energy cannot reach the organs sufficiently and when there is lack of energy in the body, it asks for food again. In this way, the patient feels hungry again and again despite eating food. As a result, obesity increases.
- Fatigue- It is common to get tired after working hard, but if you continue to feel tired without doing anything, and then it can be a sign of high blood sugar levels. A person experiences fatigue when the energy does not reach the body.
- Laziness and sleepiness – Amidst high blood sugar, laziness and sleepiness is a strong feeling that a patient has to deal with all day long. Even after sleeping throughout the night, there is a continuous need to sleep in the daytime too.
- Blurry vision – Things start to look blurred to the person facing high blood sugar. If you often notice blurry objects right in front of you, then get your blood sugar levels checked asap!
- Slow healing of wounds – As we said earlier, the immunity of high blood sugar tolerant decreases and if any injury or wound occurs, it takes too much time to heal.
- Trembling hands and feet – When the amount of sugar in the body get higher than normal, the hands and feet of the patient start to tremble; at times numbness in the hands and feet also starts.
- Weight gain without reason – The body of sugar patient is not able to absorb calories completely, due to which obesity develops. In this way, the body looks quite unformed as all the energy keeps accumulating in the form of fat in the stomach and the weight of the patient increases rapidly.
- Irritation – As the sugar level increases, the nature of the patient becomes very irritable. The patient gets angry on small things, at times the patient starts getting emotional and after getting emotional, again, he gets angry again.
Be aware that high blood sugar does not appear in a day, it has been growing inside you for years and it is known when it advances.
The Complications of High Blood Sugar
The complications of high blood sugar can be divided into two types: acute (sudden) and chronic (long-term). Uncontrolled blood sugar level damages the organs silently but constantly. The condition is noticeable only when it reaches a certain stage. Negligence towards this situation at the initial stage can later cause cardiovascular disorders such as heart attack due to blockage in the artery, renal dysfunction which can turn into kidney failure, and hindered blood flow. The risk of health issues such as paralysis and brain stroke can spike up due to obstruction in blood communication.
How to check blood sugar levels?
In order to diagnose high blood sugar, doctors advise urine or blood test. The testing is carried in two parts – empty stomach and after eating
- Empty stomach – On an empty stomach glucose levels of 80 to 120 mg/dl are found in a normal condition. In the event that this amount is somewhere in the range of 120 and 140 mg/dl, it is viewed as the underlying phase of high blood sugar and if the amount is discovered to be in excess of 140 mg/dl then it is viewed as the root phase of the condition.
- Subsequent to eating – Similarly, if the blood sugar level is discovered to be under 120 – 125 mg/dl following 2 hours of eating, it is healthy, and assuming it over 140 mg/dl, it very well may be an indication of threat.
Management of High Blood sugar
Keep in mind when choosing carbs
High blood sugar does not mean to cut carb-intake completely. Choose carbohydrates that provide steady energy. For this one can choose fresh fruits, pulses, cereals and vegetables
Lose weight
It is important for you to lose weight. Don’t forget that with obesity many other complications can also take place. So keep your weight balanced.
Sleep enough
Taking too much or too little sleep can increase your appetite and in such cases may increase your intake of high-carb foods, resulting in weight gain, and an expanded risk of heart disease. Therefore, it is important to get seven or eight hours of sleep at night. If you have insomnia, taking valid steps to improve your sleep can lower blood sugar level.
Stay active and exercise
Being active and exercising everyday is an excellent habit to maintain utmost health. Exercise helps reduce cardiovascular risks, disturbance in cholesterol & blood pressure levels, and maintain healthy body weight. Exercise also relieves stress. Also can help regulate and manage high blood sugar.
Check your blood sugar daily
Keep a regular tab on your blood sugar levels. Doing it will keep you aware of any major fluctuations in sugar level. If your sugar increases after eating something the next day, then you will not eat it. This will tell you what to eat and what not.
Take stress less
If you have stress or anxiety without any reason, then you should try to reduce it. For this, you can adopt the medium of yoga and meditation. When you have high blood sugar, stress can increase your blood sugar levels. Whatever physical or mental stress, get rid of it. Learn to counter techniques to deal with this. If you have type 2 sugar, breathing techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga and meditation can be particularly effective.
Do not eat salt
If you have sugar, then try to remove salt and sugar from your food as much as possible. If possible, boycott the salt altogether. But if you cannot live without salt, then only use salt in working quantity and that too only in vegetables. The intake of sodium, in general, people with sugar, should be reduced to less than 2,300 mg per day.
Do not smoke
If you have sugar and you still smoke, then your chances of death are twice that of patients who do not smoke. If you quit this habit, it reduces your blood pressure and the risk of stroke, heart attack, and nerve damage and kidney disease. It will also be very beneficial for your heart and lungs.
Ayurveda to the rescue!
Ayush systems are the recognized healthcare system in India. These systems have their own philosophy, oriental methodologies and practices with some similarities. With a vision of striving for excellence and global leadership in the field of Ayurveda by comprehensive Research for quality assured and cost effective products to prevent/ manage/ cure various diseases, The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (C.C.R.A.S) was established in 1962. This Council initiated research programs in the Indian systems of Medicine in different parts of the country and started coordination at the National level for the first time.
C.C.R.A.S, an autonomous organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt, of India and is the apex body for formulation, co-ordination, development and promotion of research on scientific lines in Ayurvedic systems of medicine.
Ayush-82 is a sugar management support developed by C.C.R.A.S is a combination of known and organic ingredients. It is developed completely on Ayurvedic set of guidelines for an effective measure to manage rising blood sugar.
Ayush82 IME-9 is able to reduce the blood glucose at a significant level of all newly diagnosed cases, As per the survey, post the usage of IME-9, close to half the number patients have shown the improvement of blood glucose. So IME-9 is the first-line choice of herbal treatment of newly diagnosed cases along with a change in lifestyle.